Job Hunting in SponsoredReview
14 Mei 2009
Sponsoredreview is paid program most favourite for me. Its reason is amenity approve to the article review which we make. Even assessly payment per review still lower from BlogsVertise. But weakness in the case of value per review can be closed over with many its the job we can take in one day. Because in SponsoredReview, we can bid many job at the same time. Other excess is if in SponsoredReview payment day done by every 2 weeks. Still, many blogger complain difficult get job from here, Therefore I wish to give one tips to make bid is accepted by SR.
Some blogger owning blog with pagerank 3 often his desire to get the big result immediately become the barrier. Why? Because they install bid at the price is too high. To PR3 blog, job review the easiestness got is with bid $5. With tide bid equal to that advertisers will be like. Try bid don't at the price of too high.
Some blogger owning blog with pagerank 3 often his desire to get the big result immediately become the barrier. Why? Because they install bid at the price is too high. To PR3 blog, job review the easiestness got is with bid $5. With tide bid equal to that advertisers will be like. Try bid don't at the price of too high.
1 komentar:
kalo ngebid $5 apa gak terlalu murah untuk harga sebuah blog PR3? :)
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